There are no news trading restrictions for Evaluation Accounts.
Advanced Qualified Accounts do not have News Trading Restrictions, but please review the Prohibited Trading Practices. An "all or nothing" approach or gambling tendencies still will not be tolerated at any time, especially during high volatility events.
There are however for Standard Qualified Accounts.
You may hold through news releases following your trading plan, but no orders may be executed within 2 minutes before or after high impact news events.
Here at Alpha Futures we refer to the Economic Calendar in your Trader Hub on our platform, AlphaTicks. Anything with a red icon is considered high impact and this rule applies.
If you are on another platform, this Calendar is pulled from Financial Juice.
High Impact Events will be marked directly on the chart of the asset they affect. For example, the UK GDP will obviously affect /6B and it will be marked on the chart as shown below.
This event would not affect /ES however, and there would be no indication on the chart.
You will notice speeches are indicated by a blue dot on Financial Juice. The blue DOES NOT indicate impact on Financial Juice, this simply means there is a live stream/live updates available for the event.
The high impact speeches will be marked directly on the chart of the assets they affect, just like other High Impact Events. The 4 minute window only applies to the start time listed of the speech event, not its entirety.
If you violate this policy, your profits on the trade within the 4 minute window will be void, your payout will be denied, and you will have to wait until the next payout date to request again. We understand people make mistakes, and a few times violating this rule will be treated as honest accidents, but if the team starts to recognize a pattern with a trader purposely not following this policy, Alpha Futures reserves the right to close the account.